Lecturer, University of Warwick
Hyperbolic Geometry (from week 6)
- Example Sheet 2: Classification of Isometries (pdf)
- Example Sheet 3: Isometries and Discrete Groups (pdf)
Metric Spaces
Course program (what do you need to know before the exam):
- Assignment 1: Getting to know metric spaces (pdf)
- Assignment 2: Convergence and continuity (pdf)
- Assignment 3: Getting to know topological spaces (pdf)
- Assignment 4: Continuity, metrizability, and Hausdorff property (pdf)
- Assignment 5: Normality and compactness of topological spaces (pdf)
- Assignment 6: Compactness and uniform continuity (pdf)
- Assignment 7: Connectedness in topological spaces (pdf)
- Assignment 8: Path-connected and complete spaces (pdf)
Complex Function Theory
Course program (what do you need to know before the exam):
- Assignment 1: Getting to know Hardy spaces (pdf)
- Assignment 2: Properties of Hardy space functions (pdf)
- Assignment 3: Functionals and operators on Hardy spaces (pdf)
Phase portraits of some important (for the course) functions
taken from Mathematics Calendar project.
Teaching Assistant, University of Warwick
Teaching Assistant, Independent University of Moscow