Bjorndalen, Svalbard

I am an Associate Professor of Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics, HSE University, Moscow, Russia, and at the Independent University of Moscow. In 2023-24, I am visiting Guangdong Technion — Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT), Shantou, China

My research interests include algebraic geometry, especially geometry of varieties with group actions (toric varieties, spherical varieties, in particular, Grassmannians and flag varieties), representation theory, and algebraic combinatorics.

I received my Ph.D. from University of Grenoble I (Université Joseph Fourier) in France and Lomonossov Moscow State University in Russia, under the joint supervision of Michel Brion and Ernest Vinberg. Before that I got my specialist degree in mathematics (M.Sc. equivalent) from the Independent University of Moscow and Lomonossov Moscow State University.

E-mail address:

Office: Usacheva, 6, room 307.

Postal address:
Department of Mathematics
Higher School of Economics
Usacheva str., 6
119048 Moscow

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