Bjorndalen, Svalbard

Current positions

Since Oct. 2023
Visiting Associate Professor, Guangdong Technion — Israel Institute of Technology

Since Sep. 2009
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

Since Apr. 2015
Vice-President, Independent University of Moscow, Moscow, Russia

Previous employment and education

Since Dec. 2010 — Oct. 2023
Research Fellow, Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry and its Applications, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

Sep. 2009 — Apr. 2022
Research Fellow, Laboratoire franco-russe J.-V. Poncelet (UMI 2615 du CNRS), Moscow, Russia

Sep. 2010 - Mar. 2015
Instructor, Independent University of Moscow, Moscow, Russia

Oct. 2008 - Aug. 2009
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, Universität Bonn, Germany

Oct. 2007 - Sep. 2008
SFB/TR 45 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Mathematical Institute, Universität Bonn, Germany

Nov. 2004 - Oct. 2007
Ph.D. in Mathematics, Institut Fourier, Université Grenoble I (Université Joseph Fourier), France. Thèse en cotutelle (joint graduate program) with Lomonossov Moscow State University and Independent University of Moscow.
Thesis: "Orbits of a Borel subgroup in the product of two Grassmannians".
Thesis supervisors: Michel Brion, Ernest Vinberg.
Official referees: Bernard Leclerc, Andrei Zelevinsky.

Sep. 1999 - Jun. 2004
Specialist degree in Mathematics (M.Sc. equivalent), Independent University of Moscow, Russia

Sep. 1999 - Jun. 2004
Specialist degree in Mathematics (M.Sc. equivalent), summa cum laude, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics, Lomonossov Moscow State University, Russia

My full CV

is available as a PDF-file.