Bruno Courcelle, Irène Durand, Michael Raskin. A unified algorithm for colouring graphs of bounded clique-width.
(preprint available).
Michael Raskin. Modular population protocols.
International Symposium on Algorithmics of Wireless Networks (ALGOWIN), 2024.
(available online)
Arnaud Casteigts, Michael Raskin, Malte Renken, Viktor Zamaraev. Sharp Thresholds in Random Simple Temporal Graphs.
SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP), 2023.
(available online)
A. R. Balasubramanian, Javier Esparza, Mikhail Raskin. Finding Cut-Offs in Leaderless Rendez-Vous Protocols is Easy.
Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS), 2023.
(available online)
Roland Guttenberg, Mikhail Raskin, Javier Esparza. Geometry of Reachability Sets of Vector Addition Systems.
Proceedings of International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR), 2023.
(available online)
Ruben Becker, Arnaud Casteigts, Pierluigi Crescenzi, Bojana Kodric, Malte Renken, Michael Raskin, Viktor Zamaraev. Giant Components in Random Temporal Graphs.
International Conference on Randomization and Computation (RANDOM), 2023.
(available online)
Mikhail Raskin. Protocols with constant local storage and unreliable communication.
Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), 2022.
(available online)
Javier Esparza, Mikhail Raskin, Christoph Welzel. Computing Parameterized Invariants of Parameterized Petri Nets.
Fundamenta Informaticae, 2022.
(available online)
Javier Esparza, Mikhail Raskin, Christoph Welzel. Regular Model Checking Upside-Down: An Invariant-Based Approach.
Proceedings of International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR), 2022.
(available online)
Michael Raskin. QueryFS: compiling queries to define a filesystem.
European Lisp Symposium (ELS), 2022.
(available online)
Arnaud Casteigts, Michael Raskin, Malte Renken, Viktor Zamaraev. Sharp Thresholds in Random Simple Temporal Graphs.
Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 2021.
(available online)
Mikhail Raskin. Population protocols with unreliable communication.
International Symposium on Algorithmics of Wireless Networks (ALGOSENSORS), 2021.
(available online)
Javier Esparza, Mikhail Raskin, Christoph Welzel. Abduction of trap invariants in parameterized systems.
International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification (GandALF), 2021.
(available online)
Michael Blondin, Mikhail Raskin. The Complexity of Reachability in Affine Vector Addition Systems with States.
Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS), 2021.
(available online)
Michael Blondin, Christoph Haase, Filip Mazowiecki, Mikhail Raskin. Affine Extensions of Integer Vector Addition Systems with States.
Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS), 2021.
(available online)
Michael Raskin. Lisp in the middle: using Lisp to manage a Linux system.
European Lisp Symposium (ELS), 2021.
(available online)
Javier Esparza, Mikhail A. Raskin, Christoph Welzel. Computing Parameterized Invariants of Parameterized Petri Nets.
Proceedings of International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, 2021.
(available online)
Javier Esparza, Stefan Jaax, Mikhail Raskin, Chana Weil-Kennedy. The Complexity of Verifying Population Protocols.
Distributed Computing, 2021.
(available online)
A. R. Balasubramanian, Javier Esparza, Mikhail Raskin. Finding Cut-Offs in Leaderless Rendez-Vous Protocols is Easy.
International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (FoSSaCS), 2021.
(available online)
Irène Durand, Bruno Courcelle and Michael Raskin. On defining linear orders by automata.
Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory, 2020.
Michael Raskin, Chana Weil-Kennedy. Efficient Restrictions of Immediate Observation Petri Nets.
International Conference on Reachability Problems (RP), 2020.
(available online)
Michael Blondin, Mikhail Raskin. The Complexity of Reachability in Affine Vector Addition Systems with States.
Logic in Computer Science (LICS), 2020.
(available online)
Olivier Gauwin, Anca Muscholl, Michael Raskin. Minimization of visibly pushdown automata is NP-complete.
Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2020.
(available online)
Mikhail A. Raskin, Chana Weil-Kennedy, Javier Esparza. Flatness and Complexity of Immediate Observation Petri Nets.
Proceedings of International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR), 2020.
(available online)
Michael A. Raskin, Mark Simkin. Perfectly Secure Oblivious RAM with Sublinear Bandwidth Overhead.
Proceedings of International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security (AsiaCrypt), 2019.
(available online)
Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen, Mikhail A. Raskin. A two-player stay-in-a-set game with perfect information and without Nash equilibria.
International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification (GandALF), 2019.
(available online)
Javier Esparza, Mikhail A. Raskin, Chana Weil-Kennedy. Parameterized Analysis of Immediate Observation Petri Nets.
Proceedings of International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, 2019.
(available online)
Michael A. Raskin, Christoph Welzel. Working with first-order proofs and provers.
European Lisp Symposium (ELS), 2019.
(available online)
Mikhail Raskin. A superpolynomial lower bound for the size of non-deterministic complement of an unambiguous automaton.
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP), 2018.
(available online)
Michael A. Raskin. A linear lower bound for incrementing a space-optimal integer representation in the bit-probe model.
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP), 2017.
(available online)
Michael Raskin. Writing a best-effort portable code walker in Common Lisp.
European Lisp Symposium (ELS), 2017.
(available online)
Ivan Damgård, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Antigoni Polychroniadou, Michael Raskin. On the Communication Required for Unconditionally Secure Multiplication.
Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO Proceedings, 2016.
(available online)
Michael Raskin, Nikita Mamardashvili. Accessing local variables during debugging.
European Lisp Symposium (ELS), 2016.
(available online)
Krishnendu Chatterjee, Monika Henzinger, Sebastian Krinninger, Veronika Loitzenbauer, Michael A. Raskin. Approximating the minimum cycle mean.
Theoretical Computer Science, 2014.
Michael Raskin. Data-transformer: an example of data-centered tool set.
European Lisp Symposium (ELS), 2013.
(available online)
Michael A. Raskin. Toom's Partial Order Is Transitive.
Problems of Information Transmission, 2012.
Mikhail A. Raskin. Coupling of computable measures coordinated with an order relation is not always computable.
Vestnik Mosckovskogo Universiteta (MSU Bulletin), Series 1, 2012.
Mikhail A. Raskin. Lower Estimate of the Regulator of the Direct Product of almost Periodic and Periodic Sequences.
Vestnik Mosckovskogo Universiteta (MSU Bulletin), Series 1, 2011.