Course: Algebraic Structures


    1. Rings.
      1. Polynomial rings.
      2. Ideals.
      3. Quotient rings.
      4. (Homo)morphisms [of rings].
      5. Field of fractions of an integral domain.
      6. Euclidian domains.
      7. Irreducibility of polynomials.
    2. Groups.
      1. Permutation groups.
      2. Matrix groups.
      3. Abelian groups.
      4. (Homo)morphisms [of groups] and quotient groups.
      5. Group actions.
    1. Fields and Field extensions.
    2. Algebraic number fields.
    3. Finite fields.
    4. Characteristic of a field.
    5. Constructions by ruler and compass.
    6. Galois Theory.
    7. Examples of low degree.
    8. Resolution of polynomials equations of degree 3 and 4 in one variable.
    9. Solvable groups, resolution by radicals.
    10. Examples of equations that cannot be solved by radicals.

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