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PhD Thesis: R. Devyatov, Equivariant deformations of algebraic varieties with an action of an algebraic torus of complexity 1

Let X be a 3-dimensional affine variety with a faithful action of a 2-dimensional torus T. Then the space of first order infinitesimal deformations T1(X) is graded by the characters of T, and the zeroth graded component T1(X)0 consists of all equivariant first order (infinitesimal) deformations.

Suppose that using the standard construction of such varieties, one can obtain X from a proper polyhedral divisor D on P1 such that the tail cone of (any of) the used polyhedra is pointed and full-dimensional, and all vertices of all polyhedra are lattice points. Then we compute dim T1(X)0 and find a formally versal equivariant deformation of X. We also establish a connection between our formula for dim T1(X)0 and known formulas for the dimensions of the graded components of T1 of toric varieties.
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This is the final version that I submitted to (that was and accepted by) Freie Unuversität Berlin after taking into account the remarks I received after the defense and making the corrections accordingly.
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This is the version available on arXiv, as arXiv:1406.7736v2. The difference from the previous version is that some formal pages required for German disserations were removed.
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This is the version I submitted as a PhD thesis at Freie Unuversität Berlin
Official page of the dissertation at FU Berlin website